As a student in the Food Science and Human Nutrition department and the University of Florida, awards are available to you.
Undergraduate Student Awards
Virginia Dare Scholarship ($250): The Virginia Dare company, named for the first English child born on American soil, is a leader in the manufacture of high quality flavor products for food and beverage applications. The Virginia Dare Scholarship is part of that company’s nationwide annual scholarship program. Recipients will be judged on the basis of scholarship, leadership, professional potential, and interest in flavor and dairy technology. The scholarship is non-renewable.
- Sponsor: Virginia Dare
- Eligibility: Undergraduate Food Science Students
Eugene E. Woodward Memorial Scholarship ($1000): This scholarship is given in memory of Eugene Woodward, FSHN alumnus and former medical student at the University of South Florida, to help promising pre-professional students reach their goals. Recipients will be judged on the basis of scholarship, leadership, professional potential, and pre-professional career goals, and must attend school full time. The scholarship is non-renewable.
- Sponsor: Ann and Dave Howell and Family, in memory of Eugene Woodward
- Eligibility: Undergraduate Students (Food Science, Nutritional Sciences, and Dietetics)
Earl Wilmot Hartt Scholarship ($500): This scholarship is available to undergraduate students majoring in food science and human nutrition at the University of Florida. Recipients are judged on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and professional potential, and applicants must attend school full-time. This scholarship is renewable.
- Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barben Family of Avon Park, in memory of Earl Wilmot Hartt
- Eligibility: Undergraduate Students (Food Science, Nutritional Sciences, and Dietetics)
Outstanding Senior Awards: This award is presented to the outstanding senior in each of the three majors. Students are chosen by their respective faculty in their discipline for their exceptional contributions to the department.
- Eligibility: Senior-Level Undergraduate Students
Janna Underhill Achiever Award ($500): This scholarship is given in honor of the many years of service of Dr. Janna Underhill, an outstanding academic advisor in the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department. The award recognizes the determination it takes to succeed in spite of setbacks, and will be awarded to a student who has demonstrated perseverance and grit in their academic career.
- Eligibility: Undergraduate Students (Food Science, Nutritional Sciences, and Dietetics)
Graduate Student Awards
The William and Agnes Brown Scholarship for MS students in FSHN
Scholarship supports a wide range of vital food science and human nutrition research in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Multiple scholarships in the amount of $2000 will be awarded in the name of long-time FSHN supporters William and Agnes Brown. All MS students within the FSHN Department are eligible for this scholarship. This award recognizes students with outstanding research and academic achievements. Students may receive this award two years in a row. Awards of $2,000 each are available.
The Olson Scholarship for MS or PhD students in Food Science
One Olson Scholarship will be awarded to support outstanding graduate students (MS or PhD) in the area of Food Science. The award recognizes students exhibiting excellent potential in the discipline and is in honor of Bob Olson, a long-time supporter of the Food Science program at UF/IFAS. Students may receive this award only one time during their graduate career. One award of $750 is available.
Additional Recognition
The National Association of Flavors and Food-Ingredient Systems: The National Association of Flavors and Food-Ingredient Systems is offering three, $1000 scholarships to students in the University of Florida Food Science Department.
Private Label Manufacturers Association University Outreach Program: Provides 62 undergraduate students from 17 schools with an immersive experience for them to consider this industry as a career choice after graduation. FSHN Food Science students are invited.
Pepsi Co. Internship and Employment Recruitment: Pepsi Co. has chosen the University of Florida as one of six universities in the country to directly recruit Food Science Students from as they develop a pipeline of talent. Each year their search is targeting one summer intern for a current student and one full time employee for soon to be or recent graduate.
- Apply on Canvas
- CALS Scholarships
Past Award Winners
2022 Award Winners
Eugene E. Woodward Memorial Scholarship: Sofia Acevedo, Clarissa Aurelia, Alice Chan, Miette Ogg
Earl Wilmot Hartt Scholarship: Carina Copely, Lydia Crose, Ryan Fishman, Karen Lee, Mary Serviss
Virginia Dare Scholarship: Elizabeth Tang
Outstanding Senior - Food Science: Clarissa Aurelia
Outstanding Senior - Dietetics: Sofia Acevedo
Outstanding Senior - Nutritional Sciences: Alice Chan
Janna Underhill Achiever Award: Kristie Boyle, Saska Boswell
FSHN Rising Star Award - Food Science: Mary Serviss
FSHN Rising Star Award - Dietetics: Rachel Stennett
FSHN Rising Star Award - Nutritional Sciences: Katryna Adamski
The Olson Scholarship for MS or PhD students in Food Science: Xixuan Tang
The William and Agnes Brown Scholarship for MS students in FSHN: John Carriglio, Lucia Eguiguren, Evan Flores, Megan Kinsman, Taylor Washington, Nicholas Wendrick
Additional Recognition
NAFFS Scholarship: Elizabeth Tang, Miguel Vasconez, Nick Wendrick