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Food Science and Human Nutrition Department

Food Science and Human Nutrition Department

Probiotic Study for Breastfed Babies and Moms

Baby 2 Baby Probiotics

The gut microbiome is important for infant health. In this research study, we want to know if babies can share beneficial bacteria with each other, when babies and moms meet other babies and moms.

We will ask you and your baby to attend a weekly international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) led lactation support group for five weeks. You will provide a dirty (poopy) diaper from your baby and a milk sample from you at the first meeting and be given a probiotic to give to your baby daily for the next four weeks. You will attend an additional 4 lactation support group meetings, and provide a second diaper and milk sample at the last meeting.

Participants will receive: 

  • Free weekly attendance at the lactation support group led by an IBCLC
  • Free infant probiotic
  • Up to $100 compensation for time and effort

Study ID: IRB202200652 | Date Approved: 5/20/2023

Baby 2 Baby Probiotics Flyer


  • Attend a weekly lactation support group at the UF Clinical and Translation Research Building for 5 weeks

Are you eligible?

  • Intend to exclusively breastfeed for at least 6 months

  • Vaccinated against COVID19 with an FDA authorized vaccine

  • Able to attend weekly lactation support group with your baby for 5 weeks

  • Within 3 weeks of expected delivery or baby less than 1 month of age

If you are interested in participating, or if you are unsure if you meet the study requirements, call or email the study team: